Summer Heat Awareness
Keep Cool and Drink Lots of Water
Please beware of the summer heat exceeding 90 degrees. It is worst inland. The staff from PTHC are here to wish for everyone’s well being during this tough time especially this summer heat. Our facilities are equipped with cool A/C units and water dispensers. If you have injuries or illnesses that needs treatment, do not hesitate to contact us via phone, email, and/ore text messaging for questions, concerns, and/or scheduling an appointment. If by chance we’re not available, please leave us a message and someone will contact you shortly.
Also, our staff are just following government guidelines to enforce face mask for the safety of other patient and coworkers. If you have an issue of not being able to wear a face mask, please ask to speak to the clinic director at the specific clinic for special accommodation. We apologized for any inconveniences but we are just following the government specific guidelines.
The staff at PTHC thank you for everyone understanding during this tough times and hope to see everyone getting better in their treatments.